Apr 242012
Connecting a Generator to House

Let me start by saying that the safest way of connecting a portable generator set or any other power source to house wiring is via a transfer system. The question of course is what to do if you don’t have one and a power outage caught you off guard? Fortunately, there are still some ways of energizing your house without a transfer […] read more

Mar 192012

In his Weekly Address (Mar 24, 2012) President Obama said that America needs an all-of-the-above energy strategy that invests in new technologies and ends the $4 billion in annual subsidies to oil companies. I am not a fan of oil industry. In part, this is because its operation still results in huge money flow to OPEG […] read more

Feb 102012

Electricity for the home can be generated in a number of ways depending on the energy source. Below we will review your main options and power generator types. ENGINE GENERATOR SET The most common type of backup power source for the home is a set consisting of an electric generator and an engine, also known as genset. It contains […] read more