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This website is a free informational resource. All the materials and information on this website are provided “AS IS” for informational purposes only and do not constitute a professional or a legal advice. Do not use it without independent verification. Product reviews on this site reflect only the opinion of the author. The sole responsibility when buying a product rests with you, the buyer. I make no warranties or representations, either express or implied, with respect to accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the information, tools, and other materials contained in this website or non-infringement of anyone’s intellectual property. You assume the entire risk, all responsibilities, and liabilities for using any material in this website.

Warning! Generators, turbines and other power sources present electrocution and other hazards. Don’t work with them unless you are an adult and have proper electrical training. Use them only for intended uses according to their operation manual. Do not try to build or repair a generator, a turbine, or a power supply circuit unless you have proper qualifications. I specifically disclaim any and all liabilities associated with your dealing with any circuits or devices provided or mentioned in this website.

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Material connections may exist between this website and the products, services or companies I review, recommend, or mention. This website contains various third parties affiliate banners and links. Particularly, I am a participant in Amazon Associates program. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may also have affiliate connections with, Networx, Commission Junction, LinkShare and possibly other parties. In general, when there is a hyperlink in this website to a third party product or service, you should assume the possibility of an affiliate connection or relationship with this third party. Also see our Privacy policy

That said, I did NOT get any compensation for writing about any products, services or companies. Any review or recommendation I made for any product or service has been made in good faith and every effort has been made to provide true and accurate statements in regards to any product or services. However, my opinion about products, services or companies may be influenced in part because I has been compensated or will be compensated through affiliate relationships with the respective providers. Before entering into any agreement or purchasing any product from the third parties linked in this website, you should do your own research and exercise due diligence.


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I make no representation that the use of any schematics, topologies or tools that you may find in this website will not infringe on existing or future patent rights or other rights. I am not implying that I grant licenses to use the schematics, topologies or other info you may find in this website unless it’s explicitly stated otherwise. All trademarks and service marks are properties of their respective owners. Consult your attorney for all legal issues.

These terms and conditions apply to this web domain and all its subdomains (if any) and may be amended at any time without notice.

I maintain this website on my own personal initiative. The opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent the opinions of my current or past employers.

Lazar Rozenblat
Owner of